Pneumatic Remote Control Handle - Deadman - Kholee Blast

Pneumatic Remote Control Handle - Deadman

Place of Origin: China

Usage: activate and deactivate the blasting process remotely

Remotely activate or deactivate your abrasive pots with a deadman control handle. It can guarantee safe operation of blasting system. The deadman control handle is located closely to the nozzle so the operator can turn the machine on and off.


Pneumatic Remote Control Handle - Deadman

The Pneumatic Remote Control Handle, Deadman type, is used to activate and deactivate the blasting pot through workers remotely. It guarantees the safety requirement during blasting process. It is suitable for most remote control systems available within the blasting industry.


- Concave mounting saddle design, ensuring positive mounting on all blast hoses

- Safety identification ensuring correct control line nipple.

- Available in eighter BSP or NPT threading for the nipple.

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